My first day on the job...
Oh my god I saw so many dead people today. I handled them.They were so cold. One male body, late 20s early 30s, had blown his brains out. I saw old men with dried blue eyes wide open and their mouths agape like they were screaming. I had to move one on to a slab for embalming. I had to put I.D.s on the ankles of dead women, one reminded me of our daughter,Montana. One was too heavy for me to shove in the van. The stench of death and formaldehyde is stuck in my nostrils. One woman’s feet bent the wrong way because her bones had been removed from her legs as a donor making her jellyfish like and floppy. I saw one woman my age who had died clutching stuffed animals. She was still warm when we picked her up. She looked peaceful and I felt like I was taking care of her. I saw a body wrapped in plastic (actually called a plastic shroud, but it's more like a big plastic envelope) go into the retort (crematorium). I saw a 480 pound man in one of the coolers. 3 coolers have about 275 bodies and body parts total.There was a torso, a box of heads and shelves of babies. A body was being delivered and the tech had to unwrap the bag to check the tag on the ankle. She unwrapped it and another tech said let’s have a look, I asked why and his answer was “morbid curiosity”. She had been autopsied and sewn up in a crude fashion and the fat underneath her skin was bulging out like dull yellow marbles, there was blood all over the plastic. One woman had been in some kind of accident and was sprayed with blood. I learned so much in one day.Seeing the first body was jarring. Then the next 3 or 4 all looked alike to me. Then I felt numb. Like I was in disbelief of what I was seeing and just acting in a movie and that it wasn’t real.
The person who was training me seems very level headed. They don’t believe in ghosts yet related two separate instances where they have seen them.
The next day...
I quit this job at 6:30 AM.It's not for me after all.
Editors note: The best thing about this experience is how much I learned in one day. I also know that I can die with peace of mind about how my body will be treated. The people who would have been my coworkers were kind, friendly and good natured. They carry out (pun intended) their duties with the utmost respect and dignity for the decedent and the decedent's family.
Random things I learned...
Obese bodies are cremated when the retort is first turned on because if a retort is already very hot a grease fire can in sue.
Muslim decedents are covered with a white cotton sheet rather than the plastic shroud.
After a body is cremated the "ashes" are raked into a bin. The bin is then taken to a room that has a grinder. This turns anything that didn't completely disintegrate into power. If there was a titanium hip or knee the family is welcome to have it, otherwise it gets sent out to be recycled.
If a body has insect larva on it there is a symbol that gets drawn on the bag to let others know. No words for the larva are to be written on the bag out of respect.