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February 24, 2011



Very nicely done! Lovely!

deb taylor

simply gorgeous and stunning

Meri @ Meri's Musings and Playing Along

She is so colorful! A custom virgin . . . I like that.


How lovely she looks in her snowy coat. And how interesting that your colorful photo and Rebecca's black and white are so similar...


Beautiful image. She adds warmth to the snow.

Kim Mailhot

The snow looks like a cloak on Mary, not a burden like it feel like in my shovel ! ;)
Beauty in your paradise ! Thank you !

Kim andersen

Wow that is such an amazing similitude .... Great hearts think alike :)


Beautiful synchronicity!



we must be vacationing in the same holy snow!
so glad you have shared your mary....mine is now considering a make over!!!

thanks jenny for your perfect beauty!


i almost posted the exact same mary covered in snow from my yard today! the same...except you have painted yours. and i love the colours....
her red hand....somehow heart stopping

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