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November 25, 2010


Cousin Julie

Boy, do those pictures bring back memories! I too found myself thinking about your parents and how I enjoyed going over to your house. Your parents were always warm to me and Ed.

Good memories!


this is so very special...remembering your dear family that is not with you now. I had a dream the night before last about my sweet grandpa, it was so real...I woke missing him terribly.

I hope you enjoyed a good weekend, I'm so thankful to be your friend.



i am new to you...yet, you are not new to me. constance sent me to you some time ago. and i have come again and again to sit quietly and take you in.
i too have been filled with longing these past days. hearing the voices of those i love who have left their place like forever in my heart.

love your offering of thanks and reunion.


oh, missy,
i spent the day looking at photos
with my mom
and we laughed
and we laughed
and we cried
{{ and YES we cried }}
and we left tear-stained snap-shots sitting
on the kitchen table
to drive around town to 2 cemeteries
to visit all those who did not make it
to our thanksgiving table today.
we called my sister from my dad's PLOT
and let her say hello to him there in the ground
and then we all laughed again so hard
until my mom almost peed...


i do know how you feel.

my heart feeds on these kinds of photos
as i appreciate ever single detail
from dogs to dishes
and say
what the heck are those things hanging from the yellow candles?

are those apples on the candle sticks!
oh man
i just love this kind of stuff....


oh happy day!
we are both so damn fortunate,
aren't we?

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