I love Easter. It's the colors,the chocolate and childhood memories.These small baskets of eggs are in our dining room year round. The baskets are thrift store finds, long forgotten craft projects made by cub scouts and camp fire girls, some have their names scrawled across the bottom in pencil. The eggs are from long ago, no new ones for at least 10 years.
My mother always made Easter so special with big Easter baskets for us filled with candy and Easter treats. Tin eggs, fuzzy chicks, little toys and speckled malted chocolate eggs, jelly beans and colorful foil wrapped chocolate eggs in little cartons. Coloring hard boiled eggs the night before was always fun and something our father always seemed to enjoy as much as we did. Usually we'd get new dresses and patent leather Mary Janes. Our Uncle Bill gave us each 5 pound rocky road eggs that we'd eat in big slices.I'd even eat the hard sugar roses that were left when the chocolate and marshmallow were gone.I miss those days.
These are beautiful memories...I love your collection of eggs.
While we don't celebrate Easter we always painted eggs with Tess's friends and I keep one still in a small basket on the bookshelf.
Also for years we used to gather on Easter with friends for a wonderful meal, she would hide eggs for the kids and small airline size liquor bottles for the adults.
have a happy one!
Posted by: Stephanie | April 01, 2010 at 11:39 AM