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May 19, 2009


Maryann Underwood

May I use the great cat face (as best I can) on a piece of pottery I'm making? Please let me know quickly so I can get it into a soon-to-be kiln firing. Thank you. Another cat fan : )


Very nice. Your experiment worked!! You have a nice way with cats.

How are your fingers doing?
You've been on a roll girl!


Happy Weekend!

Cousin Julie

I do like the work you have been doing recently, perfecting the craft and all.

Another great piece of art, keep it up, you are doing great, as usual.

Such expression, I love it!

kerrie h..

lovelovelove that cat. milo thinks it is a portrait of him but i said not bloody likely.


I really love the direction you are going with the 'drawn' line!


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