Okay, so I guess I'm very immature sometimes, but I don't really care. Last Saturday while stopped on SW Alaska St. at California Ave SW (known as the Junction, heart of West Seattle's shopping area) a group of nude bicyclists pulled up and stopped at the crosswalk on California Ave SW. This intersection has a cross-all-ways light so you can cross diaganally, so all lanes of traffic were stopped. Anyway, there were about 7 guys and 2 women. The women had body paint on I think, I wasn't really looking at them. The men were absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately the light changed much too quickly and I had to turn, torn between watching where I was going and looking at the fine specimens at my left.
A few days later I was at the Senior Citizen's thrift shop on the same street the bicyclists had been on. I asked the eldery woman behind the counter if she had been working on Saturday and had she seen the nude bicyclists. She said yes. I told her I had mentioned the whole scene to my sister and that she had asked if they were wearing shoes. I told my sister I wasn't looking at their feet, and the elderly woman behind the counter said,
"Me neither."