This is a snap shot of where Robert Villamagna does his art work, looks great doesn't it ? He graciously sent me this photograph when I asked his permission to add him to my list of favorites.I could so easily slip in there and be oh so happy. Go to his site to see his fabulous tin work, collages and assemblages. Be sure to click on the image of the huge baby doll, it's amazing! I discovered his work in a book called Collage, Assemblage and Altered Art -Creating Unique Images and objects by Diane Maurer-Mathison. The book has tons of great photographs of different kinds of mixed media work and how to information- check it out here . You can also see his work in the second edition of The Fine Art of the Tin Can by Bobby Hansson. Which I realized last night when I was thumbing through it.
Thanks for this Jenny. Roberts work is great! I'm going to send my friend Mary Cooper to your site you she can read this post too. She is an assemblage artist too.
Thinking of you1
Posted by: rochambeau | May 27, 2008 at 04:08 AM
I really love how he uses the old photograps with the collage elements, so different than the same old stuff I am used to his work!
thanks Jenny for pointing me in this direction!
Posted by: stephanie | May 20, 2008 at 08:17 AM
Hi Jenny,
Yes, a great space indeed AND thank you for all the great links, am off now to root around and enjoy!!
Posted by: stephanie | May 20, 2008 at 08:12 AM