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March 25, 2008



Exciting tools, and your work shop looks great! Such a major vice you own! Wait!! I forgot to say: What a COOL TIN CAKE!! you are SO cleaver and whimsical! Admire your work very much!!

Jenny F

SomePinkFlowers you are the 500th commentor! Yay. One of those coke cans is in French, I got it in Vancouver BC.


yes, yes, your brain
is firing on all possible cylinders...

maybe from drinking all that Coke,
i can see the tons of cans
all the way over HERE!


i didn't even know grizzle*adams MADE vise-thingys.


i am propping up my knee
trying not to drink
the goldfish in my tea*cup!

so far,

so good!

{i love my tin-art!
can you make
the tin-man a heart?
you would be the one.
i am thinking...}


woops..my comment disappeared!!!

I was just saying, I find such INSPIRATION here!!! I bought some tools, what a difference THAT makes! and am having so much fun with tin!!!

thank you!!!

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