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November 16, 2007


silver bracelet

I Like that earrings. it is very nice jewelery.
Great work..

Marcia Ohlemiller

I went crazy buying frog jewelry in Guanajuato in 2007. I was in Corazon de Plata and met Gabriel and bought some frogs from him. One I believe I got there is a pendant with a pink mother of pearl back. I have been searching for earrings to go with it but it's hard to match such a fabulous design.


I love his earrings, I bought some on my last trip to guanajuato.

Dr. maura garcia

Local Jewellery Shops

These are very nice and interesting jewelries. Very unique, creative and innovative. I give a hats off to the jewelry maker. Nice work!

Glamour And Company Online Jewelry Store

Yes, the pictures don't do the pieces justice, but you can tell that they are handmade works of art. Great stuff!


~~~~I hope
when you go to Guanajuato
that you will look up
and see the jewelry
for yourself.~~~

are you talkin' to me?


i think maybe
you are...

PS--my little tin bird
has settled in
just wanted you to know.

i never bought any snips
but tried out
my neighbor's...
let us just say,
i will be buying
all my tin birds from you
i love ALL my fingers...


I just reread, your bird and your ability to communicate and teach each other was your gift!


Gabriel's works and his DISPLAYS are magnificent!
Thank you for taking me along!
Did you buy yourself a surprise?


Jenny, I'm sure he was amazed at your tin birds..wasn't he?

His work looks very interesting and the display and space..love it.

The best places are those off the beaten track, the trick is how to find them...

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