Use your ATM card to get money. ATMs are well placed about the city. You can go on line to find out exactly where they are. If you do bring USA dollars make sure they are pristine. Mexican banks won't take them if they are torn or have any marks or writing on them. I went to 4 different banks and ended up bringing unchangeable ones home.
Be prepared to see skinny dogs roaming about. This is one we named Tippy. My sister bought large bags of dog food and made up zip lock bags of it to carry in her purse. We saw Tippy just about every day in the Jardine. She would wag her tail and give a grateful glance up at my sister while she was chowing down. There is a volunteer organization (Amigos de las Animales)for working with the dogs, making cash donations for spaying and neutering, adopting or escorting the adoptive ones home to the States. If you are interested in more information and want to read their monthly news letter click here. See photos of Cullon Whites experience with volunteering( here ) for Amigos de las Animales. He is an amazing young man who is on the trip of a life time and blogging about every step of the way.
Always negotiate the fare with the taxi driver before entering the cab. The one time we didn't we were over charged. They are plentiful and very reasonable for the most part. The buses stop running in the late evening, exactly what time I don't know. It was 11:30pm when Sedora and I waited at a bus stop for a long time before a car full of guys informed us that the buses had stopped for the evening, now we understood why all the cabs were slowing down and looking at us.
If you do get sick (none of the people we met did, but my sister and I sure did) you may want to try what I learned from a gray pony tail guy with blue eyes that hangs out around the Jardine. 5 drops of iodine in a liter of water. I drank it and was better quickly, my sister didn't and she wasn't. Be sure to check this out with your doctor before you go.
I loved this place. They sold vegetables and caskets. Remember to always approach people with a greeting like good morning or good afternoon before you launch into your request for information. A warm smile and being polite goes a long way.
Next, where to get the best silver jewelry.
jenny....i just got caught up on your posts of the past few days.......i enjoy them so much....the photos, your commentary.....a bright spot of my day......i;m ready to go to guanajuato......forget san miguel allende........
Posted by: melinda | November 16, 2007 at 06:37 AM
Love the fat angel guy!! We had that same experience in of my bills was slightly torn and they would not take it.
Oh those little doggies...many 3 legged ones that get around so well too.
Posted by: stephanie | November 15, 2007 at 08:31 PM
Your sister is a Doggie Angel! Never heard of the iodine trick, but the smile thing? That one works in the US too! don't you think?
Miss Lady Bug
I have a few little cans to add to your collection. Will you will be kind enough to please email me your address again as I lost it!
Posted by: rochambeau | November 15, 2007 at 01:17 PM